Simon Orrell
Creative Coatings has been working with Simon Orrell for over 4 years. Starting out on some Verometal aged bronze trims. This has grown to be not just trims, but table tops and full tables. There have even been textured aged bronze table tops. But the biggest undertaking in the partnership has to be The large coffee table. The coffee table measured 1.4 meters by 2.1 meters. It was a beast of a coffee table. A standard King size bed is 1.52 meters by 1.9 meters!!!
Creative coatings worked with a joinery firm to produce the coffee table, which came in two halves. The bottom section was manufactured from Tulip wood, and the top is MDF. Bothe parts were primed and filled. Once flatted to a smooth finish Verometal Liquid Bronze was applied. This was polished smooth and then aged. Once aged, it was polished back and then Wax to seal and improve the shine.